In this video, Mr. Taylor (retired) describes the proceedings that occur after a person is arrested for a DUI. There are two proceedings, a criminal proceeding, and a DMV proceeding. Once a person is arrested for a DUI they are given a notice of suspension, which is effective from the point of receipt, and this notice acts as a thirty-day temporary license. There is important fine print on this notice that gives an arrestee the right to contest the suspension by contacting the DMV within ten calendar days. If the DMV is not contacted within ten calendar days, then the right to contest the suspension is lost and the suspension will take place after thirty days. There are many legal grounds to contest the suspension and a person arrested for DUI loses nothing by contesting the suspension. The DMV proceeding is not a court proceeding; during this proceeding, both the arrestee and the police officer may or may not testify, but the arrestee’s presence is not required.